An Important Message to Those Who Are Sincerely Seeking the Truth
Is There a Point to Life? Does God Really Love Me or Care About Me? Is God Really Interested in Me?
The Bible has some good news for you! In Jeremiah 31:3, God says: "I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee". Your visit to this website today was not an accident. God really loves you. He cares about you and has an amazing plan for your life. He is the God of the second chance.
Other people will write you off, but Jesus will never write you off. Others will let you down and disappoint you, but Jesus will never let you down or disappoint you. Others will turn you away, but Jesus has promised that He will never turn away anyone who comes to Him (see John 6:37). He will never leave you nor forsake you (see Hebrews 13:5). He loves you so much. He cares about you. He is interested in you. You matter to Him. He longs to bless you with His favour. Please don’t be afraid to reach out to Him today.
The Door of Heaven is Open to You - Will You Walk Through It?
Through Christ and what He did for you, the door of Heaven is now wide open to you (see John 10:9). All you have to do is walk through it. How do you do that? How does that happen? It happens when you get saved (click here for more information).
God Has Built a Mansion for You in Heaven - Are You Ready to Move in?
At this very moment in time, Jesus Christ is preparing a mansion for you in Heaven (see John 14:1-6). All you have to do is 'move in'. How do you do that? How does that happen? It happens when you get saved (click here for more information).
I'd Like to Get Saved BUT..........................
Maybe you are reading this and saying, ‘I’d love to be saved, but I just couldn’t keep it, I couldn't live like a Christian ought to live’. Please don’t worry about that. Just remember that the only person who ever lived like a Christian ought to live was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. God already knows that we aren't good enough. He already knows that none of us are able to live the Christian life properly. He already knows that all of us will sin and fail from time to time, but He loves us all anyway. You are His precious child and He isn't going to disown you simply because you fail. He is the Perfect Parent, His love is unconditional. Always remember that 'you don’t keep Jesus - Jesus keeps you'. Jesus Christ is God’s free gift to you. If you accept Him, He’ll accept you.
God is Not Out to Get You. He is On Your Side.
There is hope. We might not always see it, but God overrules for us, He cheers us on, He overlooks our inadequacies, He wants our best, He understands our limitations and He is on our team. He is our God and the best friend that we have. In John 14:1-6, Jesus said: "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also....I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
You Really Need to Know This
There is only one way to Heaven - i.e. God's way.
God made Heaven and He is in charge of it, therefore He gets to decide who gets in and who doesn't.
Therefore, if we want to go to Heaven, then we have to go God's way or not at all. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself taught this in the Bible, see John 14:1-6.
You see, God is holy - but we’re not holy. God is good enough to go to Heaven, but we're not good enough to go to Heaven. Therefore, in order for us to get to Heaven, we need to be as holy as God is - sadly however, none of us are that holy. Instead, we are all 'sinners' (see Romans 3:23). Now, if that's all there was to it, then God could solve it all very easily indeed and just send us all to Hell.
Fortunately for us however, God is loving as well as holy. He loves us, therefore He doesn't want us to go to Hell. He loves us despite the fact that we are sinners. Even though we are not good enough to go to Heaven, God still loves us so much that He actually wants us to go to Heaven. For that reason, He sent Jesus to take our sins away. Jesus did this by dying for us at Calvary. By rising from the dead three days later, Jesus proved that He had accomplished everything that He came to do - namely, taking away all of our sins, i.e. all of the sins of the whole world - past, present and future (the Bible tells us this in 1st John 2:2 and 1st Corinthians 15:13-17). Due to the fact that Jesus (and He alone) has accomplished all of the things outlined in this paragraph, the Bible teaches that He is God's only way to Heaven.
Jesus is God's Gift to You. He Wants to Receive You - Do You Want to Receive Him?
The God of the Bible is a God of hope and restoration. As the Bible itself declares in Revelation 21:5: "he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new." God wants to do this in your life and take you to Heaven. He is offering you His Son right now as a free gift. Will you receive Him? If you do, all Heaven will be yours. Do you want this? It can be yours if you want it. May the Lord richly bless you as you make your decision. Please click here for more information.